Bon Voyage

from Uniworld

  • 2006
  • 110 m
  • 11.4 m
  • 3
  • 62
  • 128
  • 42
Bon Voyage - Cruise Ship from Uniworld

Bon Voyage, formerly known as River Royale, is undergoing an extensive renovation and will debut in Spring 2019. Finished perfectly in the unique and beautiful design aesthetic that Uniworld is known for, there is a high crew-to-guest ratio offering impeccable service levels.

The top deck features a swimming pool and lounge area, with an adjacent casual dining venue featuring regional fare and chef-led cooking classes. The main dining room has a chef demonstration area, and there is a new bistro inspired by Bouillon Pigalle in Paris. 

Deck Information

Bon Voyage Deck Plan

Deck Plan of Bon Voyage

Cabin Information

French Balcony
Grand Suite